Why Vycor Plus?
Superior adhesion to substrate
Forms a strong waterproof bond protecting clients’ walls against mold, mildew and rot.
Seals around fasteners
Prevents water penetration to the substrate, giving clients peace of mind with premium protection.
Forms superior laps
Ensures strong laps even at seams in the flashing, another defense against moisture intrusion.
Ripcord® – and measurement markings
Enables fast and easy installation, providing opportunities to flash more windows.
Highly conformable and flexible
Accommodates settlement and shrinkage movement, providing premium protection even in hard to work areas.
Grace Vycor® Plus
Moisture Control is the First Step to Mold Control
Water from both exterior and interior sources is among the worst enemies of building structures. When water enters the wall system and remains there for a long time, it creates a favorable environment for the development of rot, mold and mildew. Proper waterproofing and flashing practices are necessary to ensure high quality, longlasting construction.
The risk of rot and mold is a major concerns for homebuilders, contractors, architects, and homeowners. Repairing rot and mold is very difficult, and extremely costly. Window and door openings, deck-to-wall intersections, foundation sill plates, corners, and other penetration areas are the most common water entry points. A self-adhered flashing membrane, properly integrated with the other elements of the building structure, creates a barrier to water and air infiltration and a drainage plane for water to drain out of the wall.
Vycor® Plus high performance self-adhered flashing membrane provides premium protection against water and air infiltration in all critical non-roof detail areas. When properly installed, it can reduce the risk of rot and mold development, often associated with costly call-backs.
Protects vulnerable details from moisture penetration.
Limits air leakage around windows and doors.
Forms a water and air seal with building materials.