Why Bituthene?
Forms integral bond to substrate keeping basements dry and comfortable.
Accommodates minor settlement and shrinkage movement to maintain a waterproof seal
Cross laminated film
Dimensional stability, high tear strength, puncture and impact resistance.
Highly durable material.
Ripcord® – Split Release on Demand
Ease of membrane positioning provides robust protection in hard to install areas
Grace Bituthene® Self-Adhered Foundation Waterproofing
Flexible and powerful
Bituthene® is available in a number of grades to suit your project needs. Supplied as an easily applied sheet, it can be cold-applied at temperatures as low as 25°F and can be placed on a variety of concrete surfaces. Its robust waterproofing properties, combined with its ease of application, results in a contractor-friendly product that adds value to buildings.
Bituthene® fully-adhered waterproofing membrane is applied to the outside of basement walls.
Its cross-laminated film ensures a waterproof seal.
Protect your project with Bituthene® waterproofing membrane for a durable and watertight below-grade solution.
Provides a continuous layer of waterproofing, protecting from leaks coming through cracks in the foundation.
Protects against aggressive soils and ground water.
Durable and easy to apply sheet.