Blueskin WP 200
SBS membrane flexible at low temperatures
Minimal odor during application
- Fully adhered systems prevents lateral water water movement
- No flame required
- Factory controlled thickness

Waterproof Foundation Coating
Odorless, non-toxic, of heavy brush consistency
- Ideal for insulated concrete forms (ICF), preserved wood foundations (PWF), foundation walls, footings, and retaining walls
- Excellent adhesion to both damp and dry surfaces
- Contains no asbestos or volatile compounds
- Environmentally friendly material

Damp Proof Foundation Coating
Damp proof coating on masonry or concrete foundations
Prevents absorption and migration of dampness and moisture
- Easy, brush on formula
- Used as a protective coating and preservative for new or old weathered asphalt, metal, or roll roofing. Used to line gutters and paint metal flashings

Aqua-Bloc (Emulsion Based for ICF)
- A liquid applied, asphalt waterproofing membrane
Used for waterproofing foundation walls and other structures
- Can be applied to damp or green concrete
- Bridges cracks up to 3mm
- Also used for waterproofing poured and block foundation walls, insulated concrete forms (ICF), split slab floors, and residential retaining walls
- Can use Single Coat Method, or reinforce with Yellow Jacket Fabric

Aqua-Bloc (Solvent Based)
- A liquid applied, asphalt waterproofing membrane
Used for waterproofing foundation walls and other structures
- Cures through solvent evaporation
- Provides a “seamless” rubber-like, impervious membrane
- Above, on or blow grade installation for waterproofing parking decks, tunnels, planters, mechanical rooms, reflective pools and foundation walls

Aquatac Primer
- A polymer emulsion based primer
- Enhances the adhesion of self-adhesive membranes
- Used with membranes such as Bakor Blueskin SA, Blueskin Weather Barrier
- Can be applied to masonry, concrete, non- treated wood, drywall, ICF and metal
- Quick drying
- Environmentally friendly – Low VOC content
- Non-flammable during application
- Easily applied by spray
- Water based, no solvent odours
- Specially designed to provide a high level of tack on vertical surfaces